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Hey! My name is Jovia SMITH, AND You're IN FOR A TREAT. I promise! My purpose here is to empower and educate my BEAUTIFUL SISTERS IN Christ, my goal is to create a platform where I'll have the opportunity to motivate and inspire the youth to be themselves, showcase their natural beauty, embrace their imperfections and most importantly be god fearing.

I love to gather my thoughts, reflect on past experiences to encourage my struggling sisters to be strong, ambitious, passionate and of course, always reminding them to love and respect themselves first.

I want to be that change in your life. It hurts my heart to see young females grow up with no sense of direction and having absolutely no idea what they're worth! and if you can relate to this, you're in the right place. be prepared for a change! order for you to be a changed woman, you have to be honest and okay with change and TRUST THE PROCESS!!!

ALLOW ME TO BE THERE FOR YOU, ALLOW ME TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH it all. TRUST ME, While I trust in God. I promise this will alL Workout in your favor. 







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