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Updated: Dec 16, 2018

Its All About Relations…

Knowing how to pray is the answer to all our problems…. BUT DON’T MAKE YOUR PROBLEMS THE ONLY REASON YOU PRAY! I know I don’t pray as much as I need to, and also sometimes I feel like I don’t know how pray, but believe it or not its quite easy, think of God as your best friend. When something exciting happens in your life it's like you can’t wait to share the news with your best friend you either text or call them ASAP…. as we all have good days we also have those bad days too and just like we share them both with your best friend we should do the same with God, building a relationship with him makes it a lot easier.

You may ask how do I build a relationship with God? It’a pretty simple… think of it this way, how did you meet your best friend ? how did ya’ll become so close….. maybe having conversations? maybe asking questions about each other and getting personal, treat God the same by reading his word then you’ll begin to learn how much he loves and care about you, and i know if someone loves and care about me i’m going to always feel the need to talk to them and get personal.

So with that being the case knowing God and talking to him becomes a lot easier. Don’t be afraid to ask him for forgiveness, don’t be afraid to thank him for all his blessing, don’t be afraid to till how much you love him…. tell him you want him to be proud you. Just like your dad, he’s always proud of your accomplishments… for example making the honor roll. BUT, Since we’re not perfect we all mess up at times and we apologize to our dad do the same with God, its all about having a relationship and acknowledging God in everything you do…. don’t make praying awkward, make IT a habit….. always remember to tell him thanks, always ask for forgiveness and also ask him to help you to become a better version of yourself….. and always have faith and believe that he’ll make a way……… BOND AND HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR SAVOR….


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